
I'm so thrilled to share the story of how this brand came to life. My name is Kristina and I'm the founder of Divoki. As a teenager, I was once caught up in the whirlwind of fast fashion, constantly seeking the latest trends and stocking my closet with cheap, mass-produced pieces. However, everything changed when I embarked on a life-changing journey around the world after finishing my studies in my home country Slovakia.

Travelling opened my eyes to the beauty and diversity of cultures, traditions, and crafts. I met amazing artisans who poured their hearts into creating unique garments. Witnessing their passion and dedication, I started questioning the true value of my fast fashion addiction. 

Inspired by the concept of slow fashion and motivated by a desire to reduce waste, I set out on a new path. Armed with my mom-in-law’s sewing machine, heaps of vintage fabrics from my grandma and a heart full of dreams, I began creating my own clothes. 

As I embraced this new way of dressing, I felt a profound sense of fulfilment. My wardrobe transformed into a collection of cherished pieces, each with its own story and history.

Driven by a passion for fashion that respects people and the planet, Divoki was born. The name "Divoki" is derived from the words "divine" and "wild," symbolizing commitment to celebrating the natural beauty of vintage and secondhand materials.

My mission is to create a community of conscious consumers who value quality, creativity, and sustainability. With each garment I hope to inspire others to rethink their approach to fashion and embrace a slower, more meaningful way of dressing.

By choosing Divoki, you not only invest in beautifully crafted clothing but also become part of a movement toward a more sustainable future. I believe that true style should not come at the expense of our planet or the people who create our clothes.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of creativity, sustainability, and self-expression. Together, let's redefine the way we dress and embrace the beauty of slow, handmade, and sustainable fashion. Welcome to Divoki – where vintage charm meets modern elegance!